BangWSD South Bend

Websites With IMPACT!
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BANG! Web Site Design Inc.
105 E. Jefferson Blvd., Suite 800
South Bend, IN 46601

(574) 245-9576

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Client Benefits From Seach Engine Optimization

  • "My Web presence is AWESOME

    Just had to let you know. This past week I have received 2 requests I never would have thought possible.

    1. Someone from Boston found me on the web and wants me to do some monogramming for her on pillows.
    2. Someone serving in the middle East contacted me.  She'll be home just before Halloween and wants me to do some lettering on her costume for her.  She lives here in Tampa. This was just too cool! 

    Thank you so much.  Your strategy for writing the pages really works!!!!

    PS  I'm also receiving regularly requests from the local area, but these 2 were too much for me.

    PSS Just got another inquiry from Minnesota!

    You worked efficiently, quickly and responded to all my questions. I was especially concerned about loading up product on my store and being able to maintain the site myself. The administrative part of the site is very user friendly. Again, my questions were answered immediately – and correctly." - Sue Urbach, Embroidered Pelican

    Web site design for Embroidered Pelican

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